Six-Night Joint Fundraising Events to Benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters and Heritage Museum
In a first-ever joint fundraising partnership, the Beaver Area Heritage Museum and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County are hosting a six-night “Ghost Station,” a portal between this world and the next.
“On a dark night, when the moon is bright, you may see apparitions from our rich past — Indians, settlers, soldiers, politicians and artists,” says Big Brothers Big Sisters board director Allison Terwilliger. “When the moon goes behind the clouds, zombies, ghouls and vampires may appear.”
Visitors will see the Werewolf of Beaver and his victims; famed author Rudyard Kipling will be departing for England after his summer’s stay in Beaver; and the Underground Railroad will be at work. Don’t get caught in the Zombie Walk or you may never be heard from again. Haunted House, Zombie Cornhole and Guillotine “photo op’s” complete the tour.
Thirty minute tours, with the first tour leaving at 6 p.m. and the last beginning at 7:40 p.m.
Cost: $5 under 11 years old, $7 for 11 ears and older. Reserve a group of 15 and have a private tour. For more information or tickets, call: (724) 843-4600. Tickets also available at the Hostess Shoppe in Beaver